This link was emailed to me, it looks like a very nice game indeed, my thanks for the author (and to the person who posted the original download link).
Ever have the feeling that you wanna download something, to make your PC better, or to do other stuff with your files? Or a player or codec you're missing? Or a utility you need but dont know yet?
Check out the Download Junkie... it has lots and lots of files for downloading.
Unlike any other car in the movies, the batmobile, batman's famous ride - has been changed, mutated, recreated, modified and reworked into so many different versions over the years, that one might have a hard time choosing which one is his favorite. Anyway, here's a site that shows all the batmobiles versions, that we see on TV and on the Movies.
This question had been asked so many times in so many sites..... that to answer it without justifying your answer would be ridiculous, hehehe...
Anyway, I found this interesting link... discussing the technical aspects of the 2 famous brands. This could help you in choosing which brand is for you.
Once in a while, you get tired of using photographs, or the default wallpaper your theme gives you... so here's a site with an awesome collection of wallpapers.
... reading forums, blogs and websites,....most people are turned off by the 'wobbly' slide of the n95. Even myself, when I first had it, and it got a lttle loose after 4 months or so, I felt like sellin it off. But then, I found this video, and what was supposedly a big problem for some - turned out to be a 2 to 3-minute solution only.
...and if it gets loose again after a few months, there's no reason to not do this again, right?
In my opinion, if the prices are about the same, I'd rather buy an n95 and enjoy it - than to buy a candybar phone with less or not-so-cool features.
The n95 didnt have it at first... then it was integrated with v20 firmware. The n82 and n95-8gb had it right from the start. Here's a demo of just how awesome it is on the n82... notice how almost every app is opened, and yet the phone isn't slowing down or hanging? Nice multi-tasking indeed.
The symbian S60 is one of world's most used UI's in cellphones... there are many many apps that one can install in it, to give it additional functions. Not all of them will install smoothly though - some are 'unsigned', meaning that it didn't go through the usual symbian certification process, so when you try to install it - a 'certificate error' occurs in your phone.
There are a number of ways, available online now, which can sign those applications and make em work with your smartphone. Among them, I find this to be the easiest to follow...