
Living in credit

Sigh... living with credit, sometimes it's good, but sometimes - like when your credit does haywire because of some foulup, it can get bad - really bad. 

Check out this article.


the mobile phone in our lives.

... cellphones have been with us for a long time now. They've become so much a part of our lives, that kids nowadays even wonder, what life was like, more than a decade ago... when phones were not that popular. =)  Anyway, I found another great article... chk it out. 

The good and evil of cell phones

By Julie Deardorff, Chicago Tribune

Your cell phone has the power to kill you or save your life. Talk on it while you're driving, and you're four times more likely to have a crash that will send you to the hospital.

But if you do have a terrible wreck and need assistance, your phone's ICE (in case of emergency) contact -- or your own downloaded medical records -- can tell paramedics whether you're allergic to penicillin or help prevent medication errors.

More than 250 million Americans now subscribe to a cellular-phone service, an 84 percent penetration of the U.S. population, according to the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association, the leading industry trade group.

So while they do pose some risks, they aren't going away. Here's how this handy device affects your health, for better or for worse.


-- Health information: Health promotion videos can be streamed to personal devices, such as cell phones, according to Rutgers researchers who tested a soap opera video with a message designed to reduce HIV risk. A special phone being tested in England gives teens undergoing cancer treatment ready answers to their questions about treatment and side effects.

-- Teen tracking: GPS-enabled cell phones are an ideal way to learn more about where teens spend time -- and how it relates to their health behaviors, say researchers from the Indiana University School of Medicine. Poor health outcomes, such as obesity and sexually transmitted infections, tend to cluster in certain geographical areas.

-- Weight loss: The next time you're about to order a Big Mac, use your cell phone to text "diet1" with the name of the restaurant and menu item, suggests Joy Bauer, author of Food Cures.

"Within seconds, diet.com's 'Nutrition on the Go' service will send you a reply listing the calories, total fat, carbohydrate and protein in the requested food," Bauer said.

-- Medication compliance: MIT students, challenged with the task of getting tuberculosis patients to take their medicine, devised a testing and reporting system that uses text messaging and offers incentives such as free cell-phone minutes.

-- Crime reduction: Cell phones and cell phone cameras have helped police solve crimes, particularly hit-and-run accidents. Visitors to swiftreport.net can report accidents they've seen and give descriptions and license plate numbers of cars that hit other vehicles and fled.

-- Cardiac defibrillators: In an emergency, a cell phone could be used as a cardiac defibrillator, according to Ben Saketkhou of Boca Raton, Fla., who has filed a U.S. patent on a clamshell phone equipped with electrodes.

"When flipped open and placed on the chest, it delivers a shock to the heart," New Scientist reported. "The phone also sends its GPS coordinates to the emergency services. Just don't hit the wrong button when you're chatting."


-- Gap in safety data: Researchers are fairly certain that the use of mobile phones for up to 10 years is not associated with brain tumor risk, but there is some uncertainty with regard to longer use, said Joachim Schuz, head of the department of biostatistics and epidemiology at the Institute of Cancer Epidemiology in Denmark. Also: The impact of cell-phone use on children, whose brains are still developing, needs to be evaluated.

-- Allergic reactions: Nickel dermatitis, the most common cause of allergic contact dermatitis in women, may be caused by frequent and prolonged use of cell phones, according to a study by Danish researchers.

-- Sleep issues: Teenagers who use their cell phones excessively are more prone to disrupted sleep, restlessness, stress and fatigue, according to a study presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies.

-- Carpal tunnel syndrome: "Repeated, prolonged gripping of anything can contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome," says Jennifer Valle, an occupational therapist and certified hand therapist at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas. Valle recommends an earpiece or headset.

-- Behavioral problems in children: A study of more than 13,000 children found that pre- or post-natal exposure to cell-phone radiation was associated with behavioral difficulties such as emotional and hyperactivity problems by the time they reached school age. The researchers warned that the association might be due to other factors -- perhaps mothers who use the phones frequently pay less attention to their children -- but if real, it would be of public health concern, given the widespread use of the technology.

-- Traffic accidents: Simply listening to your cell phone is a little like driving under the influence of alcohol, according to Carnegie Mellon University scientists who found that "listening alone (to a cell phone) reduces by 37 percent the amount of brain activity associated with driving." That's enough to make you weave out of your lane. The Facebook group "I Text Message People While Driving and Haven't Killed Anyone Yet" says it promotes responsible texting.

-- False sense of security: College students -- especially women -- may take more risks when carrying a cell phone, according to a survey of 305 students. In the survey, 40 percent of cell phone users said they walked somewhere after dark that they normally wouldn't go.




Improve your cellphone's signal

Improve Your Mobile Phone Signal

"Can you hear me now," is more than a smarmy catchphrase. It's also the enraged anthem of anyone who's had problems with cell phone reception. The Shangri-La of "full bars" doesn't have to be a pipe dream, though. Here are some tricks to give that signal of yours a boost.


Step 1: Ignore the Mystery Devices

If lousy reception could be solved solely by a slip of adhesive and aluminum, the world would be a much simpler place. In reality, reception problems stem from the myriad topographical and atmospheric obstacles radio frequencies encounter while traveling to/from your phone. The first step to solving this problem is accepting that there might not be a quick fix, and that it may take a lot of experimentation to find the root.

Step 2: Research the Causes

The best way to combat bad reception is knowledge. In short, cell phone networks work via an overlapping grid of broadcast towers (called cells). Each tower has a defined area of effectiveness (usually hexagonal in shape) that interlocks with neighboring towers. Dialing out on a handset effectively secures a patch frequency for the phone to connect and initiate or receive a call. Simple enough, right?

Unfortunately, the Achilles Heel of this setup is the network itself. Compared to other forms of radio communication (i.e., Ham or CB radio), cell phone networks are relatively underpowered when it comes to broadcasting/receiving signal. The redundancy of tower placement combats this problem, but it's still common for cell phone signal to be interrupted by X-factors like:

  • Physical Obstructions - Buildings, tunnels, valleys and even mountains can all play a role in poor reception. Although the low power connection between a phone and a tower can be maintained through a number of solid materials, large obstructions and drastic differences in elevation can cause serious problems.
  • Electronic Interference - Cell phones are one of many devices sharing the airwaves. It's not uncommon for other high power, high RF devices (and even household electronics) to wreak havoc on the signal.
  • Weather - Believe it or not, weather can play a big part in reception. Dense cloud cover, lightning, and even humidity are just some of the weather patterns that impact your wireless service.
  • Phone Positioning - Sometimes the biggest problems stem from the simplest things. Details like whether your phone has an internal antenna (and whether the device is being held correctly) can prove to be the difference between receiving or missing a call.

Step 3: Use Deductive Reasoning

Gathering enough data to make an educated guess may take a lot of moving around and test calls, but it's worth it. The key is analyzing the surroundings and noticing how they affect the phone's signal. Having problems while in the center of your office building, but okay outside? Then it's probably a physical obstruction issue. Dropping calls while outdoors during storm season? Consider the role of weather. Only have signal problems on a specific stretch of highway? You get the picture.

Ultimately, the goal is to amass a group of clues that point to the source of the problem. Be sure to take notes (mental or physical) on variables like the time of day when reception is worst, and the locations where you initiate/receive most of your 'troubled' calls. In a work setting, try to take a poll from co-workers with the same service provider. The little details gleaned from fact finding missions like this can help rule out larger problems like equipment failure.

Step 4: Attempt a Fix

Now that you've diagnosed the problem, it's time to attempt a fix. Here are some of the common solutions:

Change Location

No one likes having to run outside to make or receive a phone call. But if installing signal amplification equipment isn't feasible, it's likely that you'll have to think (and call) on your feet. Be it from electronic interference by nearby electronics, or some other stationary catalyst, be sure to remove yourself from the problem area before making a call. If the problem stems from a physical obstruction like the walls of a building, try to move to the perimeter and get close to a window. Cell phone signal is at its strongest in open air settings where there's a clear line of sight between the tower (often located on rooftops) and the handset, so keep that in mind while looking for a new location.

Try an External Antenna

An external antenna is like a beefed up version of the one on your phone. Although the name of the game is extending range with these devices, they come with their share of hassles too. They're typically large, come in high gain (flat areas) and low gain (wooded areas) models, require an additional amplifier and adapters, and need to be mounted outside. Since the phone needs to be physically attached to the antenna to get the benefits, this setup can also put a hamper on mobility. As such, external antennas aren't the greatest solution for intermittent service issues. However, they're worth looking into if you spend a lot of time in remote problem areas.

Invest in a Repeater

Repeaters are a common solution for urban settings. In short, the device receives a weak signal via an external antenna, amplifies it, and then rebroadcasts it over a given area through an internal antenna. Despite being a solid solution for multiple users having signal problems, repeaters have their issues too. Not only do they need at least a nominal signal to work, but they tend to be expensive, and require a some technical know-how to setup.

Switch Up the Phone Position

With the increased popularity of stylish, compact phones comes a host of reception problems. Since most manufacturers have ditched external antennas, it can take as little as a misplaced finger dump the signal and drop a call. Only encounter signal problems after a call is initiated? It could be your hand position that's causing the problem. Try holding the phone with your weak hand (or using a headset) for a day, and see if it that changes anything. You'd be surprised.

Step 5: Contact Your Wireless Provider

Although using the tricks above can help, there's always the chance that the problem is network related. U.S. cell phone providers have been racing to provide the densest coverage in populated areas, but there are still plenty of holes out there. As a paying subscriber, it's your place to let your provider know if their service isn't working for you. Don't be shy about reaching out and touching someone -- you may find out that your problem area is due for a new tower any day now.
